Narrative Short Films

Eldred (2018)

A short film about the changes in friendship after high school. It follows three characters (Sean, Tristian, and Jeremy) during a weekend back in their hometown after a former friend passes away.

Written and directed by myself. I did the cinematography,along with Kevin De Los Santos. The score is by Joao Gonzalez, otherwise known as Soft Glas. I also worked on marketing and social media assets, including a behind-the-scenes featurette series.

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Highlands (2016)

Two kids on the Carlmont High School baseball team, Elias and Dakota, are in their senior year. They have been friends since they were younger, always on the same team, and are now navigating their expanded ambitions and identities of their teenage years.

Presented in the format of multimedia story experience for a limited-time website that combined video clips and segments of a screenplay for an interactive way of taking in the material.

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A screenshot from the interactive multimedia website:

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Teaser snippet for the experience: